How did you get into weight training?

I’ve always like resistance and weight training because you have an active “opponent” as opposed to just running, for example. I was in various sports in school, so it’s always been in the background even in my earlier years.

What changes/results can you attribute to weight training?

Strength is always my main goal. I want to be strong and weight training has not only been instrumental in me gaining a lot of strength physically, but it’s helped me in physical endurance as well. It takes a lot longer for my body to hurt or become tired during everyday activities now because of that.

How often do you practice it?

I do some form of weight training almost daily. Whether I go to the gym or use bottles of laundry detergent at home, I try to implement it into my schedule whenever I can.

Where do you do so?

I workout at LA Fitness or at home.

Why do you recommend weight training?

Weight training really helps me with toning, muscle development, helping with bone density and increasing strength and endurance. There are a myriad of reasons why weight training is highly beneficial, but it’s the fact that that cumulative effect creates a better quality of life is why I’d recommend it to everyone.

Zara Abbasi is a lawyer and pastry chef.