What a Fitness Instructor Eats in a Day

As a wife, mom, small-business owner and fitness instructor, Kelly Ransom’s days are jam-packed with work, workouts and family responsibilities. And since shifting to a more food-conscious lifestyle, she’s noticed a huge difference in her physical, mental and emotional well-being. With busyness built into our everyday lives, staying mindful is a necessity.
“Being prepared is key for me to stay on track. If I buy healthy foods, I will eat healthy foods,” Ransom said, while also acknowledging the need for balance. “I look at food as fuel for my body, but I also love to eat, so I don’t deprive myself of anything unless I am detoxing. I also don’t put a lot of strict rules on food like counting calories.
“I try to stick with the 80/20 rule: 80 percent eating clean, healthy foods (earth foods that don’t come in a box, bag or package) and 20 percent eating a bit more adventurously. Everything in moderation.”
But no matter your strategy, healthy eating can be a challenge. Here’s how she tackles it in a typical day.
5 - 7 a.m.
The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is drink a big glass of water (I put one beside my bed every night when I go to bed). Early morning is all about hydration to wake my body up and prepare for the day.
Caffeine! I try not to drink coffee regularly, so Arbonne’s Fizz Sticks are my go-to energy source. They are made with natural ingredients, have less than a gram of sugar and give me just enough caffeine without making me feel jittery.
7 - 9 a.m.
Morning workout followed by a power protein shake. I load it up with fruits and veggies to keep my blood sugar level and keep me feeling full until early afternoon.
9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Water, water, water!
12 - 4 p.m.
Because I am in and out of the car walking dogs for my business, Lucky Lucky Dog, I pack a lot of snacks. Small, healthy snacks throughout the day can help boost metabolism, keep our bodies fueled and help keep sugar cravings at bay.
Some of my favorite on-the-go snacks are nuts, such as almonds, pecans, sunflower seeds, cashews and walnuts; as well as organic apples and fruit/nut/seed bars like Clif organic, Larabar, RX and Kind. I pay special attention to ingredient lists and sugar levels in all packaged foods — the less of both, the better.
If I happen to be home around lunchtime, I’ll make a mixed greens salad, usually adding some fruit, nuts and goat cheese with a homemade dressing.
Water, water, water! If I need a boost of energy mid-afternoon, I’ll add another Fizz Stick.
4 - 6 p.m.
After-school snacks with my little man include apple slices with almond butter and bananas, sliced avocado with organic corn chips and hummus with veggies and olives.
6 - 8 p.m.
Red wine and dark chocolate every once in awhile are my evening guilty pleasures.
After my evening barre class, I love making a healthy dinner for my family. Dinner is my favorite meal, so I usually cook a variety of foods. I try to stick with lean meats, complex carbohydrates and veggies. My husband is an avid hunter, so I love that we usually have local fresh meat on hand.
Some of our healthy favorites are turkey burgers topped with guacamole and served with sweet potato fries and Brussels sprouts; grilled chicken on top of a mixed greens salad with loads of veggies; baked salmon with brown rice, asparagus and roasted bell peppers; venison spaghetti with fresh chopped vegetables and organic tomato sauce with spaghetti squash.
8 - 10 p.m.
Off to bed with a cup of hot tea. During cold and flu season, I’ll do whatever it takes to boost my immune system, so I like to add a drop of essential oil, a little lemon and a squeeze of honey.
I make sure I’ve got my big glass of water beside my bed, and it’s time for a good night’s rest to prepare my body to do it all again the next day!
Follow Kelly on Instagram @Healthy.Happy.Kelly for tips, motivation, workouts and more.